Kepemimpinan Kepala Sekolah dalam Meningkatkan Mutu dan Daya Saing Sekolah serta Strategi Analisis SWOT


  • Wahyuda Marnur Universitas Negeri Padang


Principal's Leadership, Vision and Missuin, SWOT Analysis, Competitivennes, Education Quality


The purpose of this discussion is to analyze the principal's leadership, vision and mission of the school and the use of SWOT analysis for schools in improving school competitiveness and quality.  The research method used is the library research method. The data collection technique in the discussion of this article is to review several sources from books, journals, articles that are relevant to this discussion. In this study, the main discussion is how the vision and mission are formulated by taking into account the objectives, scope, use of language. Principals in the process of change need to be oriented towards the future and how schools are able to utilize a tool, namely SWOT Analysis in winning the competition by identifying various factors of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and challenges which are then determined by steps or school strategic plans to improve school quality. Four components of SWOT analysis, namely Strenghts, Weakness, Opportunity, and Threaths. In order to win the competition and become a school with a high level of trust from the community, the school must be able to compete fairly with competitors. For this reason, schools must have characteristics or differentiators from other schools by providing excellent service and producing quality output. Schools that have strength and opportunity must take aggressive steps





