Strategi Mengembangkan Sekolah Efektif dan Guru Efektif untuk Meningkatkan Mutu Sekolah
DOI: Kunci:
School Development, Effective Teachers, Quality of Education, Professional Development, SchoolAbstrak
Improving the quality of schools is one of the main priorities in efforts to create a superior education system. One way to achieve this goal is to develop effective schools and teachers. School development involves various aspects, such as strategic planning, good school management, and providing adequate facilities. Apart from that, educational institutions also organize scientific activities that support the development of teacher potential such as seminars, training and workshops on an ongoing basis. The aim is to create professional teachers who are able to improve the quality of learning in schools, so that improvements in the quality of education can be realized. This research aims to explore various strategies and best practices in developing effective schools and teachers, which can contribute to improving the quality of education.